Illnesses We Treat Sore Throat/Strep Throat Cough/Fever Sinusitis Urinary Tract Infection Ear Ache/Blockage Seasonal Allergies Asthma Skin Condition Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea Joint Pain Nasal Congestion Pink Eye/Styes Back Pain Headache/Migraine Deer Tick Bite Allergic Reaction Wart Treatment Minor Burns Foreign Body Removal Abscess Drainage Minor Laceration Minor Sprain (Ankle/Knee/Foot) And More…..
Preventive Care We Provide Annual Exams Immigration/Pre-Employment Physicals Pre-Operative Evaluations/Clearance Cholesterol Screening Diabetes Screening High Blood Pressure Screening STD Screening And More…..
Conditions We Do Not Treat We do not treat the following cases at our clinic, so please seek immediate assistance at an emergency room or specialized facility. Life-threatening conditions Broken/fractured bones