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    Walk In Clinic

    5 Tips to stay healthy this Christmas

    Winters are here and people across the country are visiting urgent care doctors in throngs. It is a season of flu, cold, cough, viral fever and lower immune system. Thus, it is necessary that you maintain your immune system at its best. It will keep the chances of you getting sick down, protect you from the germs and stay healthy around the sick people.

    celebrate Christmas

    If you want to celebrate Christmas sneeze free and out of bed, then we suggest you follow our 5-point checklist and remain safe and sound.

    Christmas means shopping, traveling, cooking, spending time thinking about gifts and what not. As this holiday comes in the coldest month of the year, the night is short. This can result in low hours of sleep which in turn will exhaust you. An exhausted body is an easy prey to the flu and cold virus. If you are run down by the responsibilities, your immune system won’t be able to fight off the virus and you’ll end up in bed sick.

    Stay hydrated
    Our body’s immune system needs a regular supply of nutrients to stay healthy. This means you should drink a lot of water and replenish your diet with a lot of fruits and vegetable. A good dit will help you stay on the top of your game.

    No flu shots are not only for children. A flu shot is often the first and best defense if you feel don’t want to be a victim of influenza. The urgent care doctors around the country recommend the adults to get their flu shots in the beginning of winter season. The immunization helps to keep the germs at the bay. However, if you end up with flu, make sure you stay at home. The flu is extremely contagious and requires rest.

    Wash your hands
    In the winter season, the flu germs and bacteria is at its peak. Every surface will have bacteria on it and all it would take a quick swipe on your face to you to get sick. To stay safe from the germs, doctors advise to wash your hands frequently and use a sanitizer. Keep napkins and handkerchief with you. Sneeze into it and wash your hands after sneezing or coughing. If you have children, make sure that they have a handkerchief on them at all times.

    If you exercise regularly then good, but if you are not much active and bound to a desk whole day, it will be for the best to start your morning with a jog. You can also enroll in a gym and start with the simple exercises such as skipping, stretches, dumbbell, and more. This keeps your body active and your immune system strong.

    While winter is already here, you can simply follow these five tips and make sure that you don’t fall into a miserable bout of flu. If you have flu, then we advise you to visit your urgent care doctors immediately.
    Are you looking for an urgent care clinic near you? Contact Walk-In Clinic of NYC.

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